Lightswitch Video | Video Production Services Explained

Video Production Services Explained

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It’s easy to say that a video production company provides video services, but what does that really mean? At first glance, it seems simple enough, but there are actually various types of video services that a production company can provide, and not all companies offer the same services.

What services should a production company provide?

Most companies should have a list of the services they have available on their website. Here’s a list that we provide on our website:


Pre-production is everything that happens before you get on set to start filming, including, but not limited to:

  • Creative conception

  • Scheduling

  • Talent Sourcing

  • Location Scouting

  • Scripting/Storyboarding


Production is the actual act of filming your video! This includes all of the elements that go into creating your perfect video, including:

  • Video Crews

  • Photography

  • Aerial Footage

  • Hair and Makeup

  • Lighting

  • Audio Capture

  • Studio management


Post-production is what happens after the cameras stop rolling, and what makes your video look polished and complete!

  • Video Editing

  • Animation/Motion Graphics

  • Repurposing Existing Content

  • Voiceover Recording

  • Audio Ads

It’s important to note that these lists simplify all of the details and hard work that go into creating an effective video. If you’re questioning whether or not the video idea you have falls under any of these categories, or whether what you’re looking to create is best suited for a creative agency, a video agency, or a production company, just ask! A quick clarifying email could be the start of a great project or partnership.

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